Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last ever winners on The Scandinavian challange blog

Are you ready girls to find out who the last winners are ? the very last winners ?
You're going to have to wait a bit first there is some info for you.
Yes this is the last ever Karen's Doodles Scandinavian challange BUT that doesn't mean we're not gonna be around, ohh no stop on over to the new and COMBINED Karens' Doodles Challange blog
We have combined the US team, the UK team and the Scandinavian team. The first challange went up Monday and it's a good and easy one as it's ANYTHING GOES !! As long as you're using a Karen's Doodles image.

okay won't let you wait anylonger now ! here are the last winners:

1 Prize: Mary
3.Prize Margreet

CONGRATULATIONS girls, Please email me your choice(s) of images to

Sunday, August 1, 2010

challange 20 winners !!!

I know you girls have been waiting anxiously for this announcement ! so with no firther ado here it is:

the winners from Week 20- sketch challange are :

1 prize : Ramona
2.Prize Anita L
3. Prize Tinemor

congratulations girls, please email me your choices at

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

21 and final challange !

Skitsen sidste uge var sjov Ikke ? vi har i hvertfald nydt hver eneste kort vi har set i den forløbne uge. Tusind tak for I har deltaget.

PGA ferie vil der først blive annonceret vindere d 1 august 2010. Så kig tilbage her på Søndag.

Den næste udfordring er en fælles udfordring, og værterne er vores amerikanske Stempel søstre. Karen's Doodles Amerika

Temaet på udfordringen er Hvidt på hvidt !! enkelt ikke ? *S* Det betyder at vi vil se kort/ eller andet hvor det eneste der er farve på er motivet.

Upload senest d 2 august 2010 kl 23:59 og brug et direkte link.

Som altid er præmierne:
1: præmie: 3 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
2. præmoe 2 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
3: præmie: 1 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg.

-------------------------- ENGELSK-----------------------------

the sketch was fun right ? we loved the entries every single one was fantastic. thank you so much for participating.

Due to vacation the winners will not be announced until August 1 st.

SO stay tuned for the WINNERS !!!!!!

The next challange is a joint challange, hosted by our American stamping sisters across the pond Karen's Doodles United States
the name of the challange is WHITE ON WHITE. pretty simple, only colors on the image other then that just WHITE !!!

Upload your card/ project here using Inlinkz by tuesday August 2nd. 2010 at 11:59 pm.

As Always the prizes are :
1:prize: 3 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
2. Prize 2 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
3: prize:1 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice

Guest Designer Stinne

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Challange 20

Tak alle for de Flotte kort I har sendt i sidste uge.
Lad os finde nogle vindere Jeg ved, I alle venter på at finde ud af hvem de heldige er * S *

1: præmie: Åse-May
2: Præmie: Devlin
3: Præmie: Anita
TILLYKKE piger, så send mig dit valg af digistamp(s) til

okay nu, at vi fik fundet vinderne, ved jeg at du venter på at høre, hvad den næste udfordringen er...

Og udfordringen er... En dejlig skitse designet af vores egen NANCY !!

Lav et kort eller noget andet sjovt og gå ud fra skitsen. Upload det senest d 27 Juli 2010 kl 23:59 og brug et direkte link.
Som altid er præmierne:
1: præmie: 3 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
2. præmoe 2 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
3: præmie: 1 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg.

------------------------- in English ------------------------------

Thank you everyone for the fun cards you submitted last week. Let's find some winners I know you're all waiting to find out *S*
1: prize : Åse-May
2: Prize: Devlin
3: Prize: Anita
Congrats girls, please send me your choice(s) of digistamp to

okay now that we got the winners covered, I know you're waiting to hear what the next challange is ...

This week the challange is a sketch by our very own NANCY

( see Above)

We wanna see cards or other fun projects using the provided skethc, upload them here using Inlinkz by tuesday July 27 th. 2010 at 11:59 pm.

As Always the prizes are :
1:prize: 3 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
2. Prize 2 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
3: prize:1 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice.












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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Challange 19

Kunne I mærke kærligheden i sidste uge ? Jeg kunne i hvertfald og efter at dømme af de kort I har lavet kunne I også. I er bare fantastiske alle sammen.
vinderne fra sidste uge er:
1.præmie: Miranda
2. præmie: Kym's Crafty Cards
3: præmie: Mervi
Tillykke piger ! email mig jeres motiv ønsker på
Denne uges udfordring er en god en, syntes jeg i hvertfald, en udfordring for mig:
lav et kort eller et andet project og upload det her seneste de 20 juli kl 23:59
og brug et direkte link via inlinkz.
som altid er præmierne
1: præmie: 3 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
2. præmoe 2 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
3: præmie: 1 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg.

--------------------In English-----------------------
Could you all feel the love that was in the air last week ? I sure could and the cards entered in the challange was great ! you girls are awesome !

the winners from last week is:

1 prize Miranda
2. prize Kym's Crafty cards
3. Mervi

Congratulations girls please email me your image requests at

This weeks challange is another fun one ! I know I had fun with it :-)
the Theme is
create a boy/male card or some ofther fun project upload it here no later then July 20th at 23.59 using a direct link and inlikz.
As Always the prizes are :

1:prize: 3 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
2. Prize 2 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
3: prize:1 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

challange 18

Tak alle for de Flotte kort I har sendt i sidste uge.
Lad os finde nogle vindere Jeg ved, I alle venter på at finde ud af hvem de heldige er * S *

1: præmie: Lina W
2: Præmie: Mary D
3: Præmie: Kerstin
TILLYKKE piger, så send mig dit valg af digistamp(s) til

okay nu, at vi fik fundet vinderne, ved jeg at du venter på at høre, hvad den næste udfordringen er...


Jeg valgte dette tema, fordi i dag er vores 10 års bryllupsdag!
Jeg kan ikke forstå hvor hurtigt tiden er gået ... men jeg tror, at der sker for de fleste af os, tiden går, uden at vi lægger mærke til det :-) men det er en god tanke ikke ?

Anyways, vi ønsker at se kreationer over temaet kærlighed!
uploade dem her med Inlinkz ved tirsdag 13 juli th. 2010 henne ved 1159 kl.

Som altid er præmierne:
1: præmie: 3 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
2. præmoe 2 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg
3: præmie: 1 digistamps fra Karen's Doodles efter eget valg.

Sørg for at besøge vores super talentfulde gæsteDesigner Stinne, hun har en masse fantastisk flotte ting; tjek hendes blog !

-------------------------In English------------------------

Thank you everyone for the fun cards you submitted last week. Let's find some winners I know you're all waiting to find out *S*
1: prize : Lina W
2: Prize: Mary D
3: Prize: Kerstin
Congrats girls, please send me your choice(s) of digistamp to

okay now that we got the winners covered, I know you're waiting to hear what the next challange is ...


I picked this theme... beacuse today is our 10 th wedding anniversary !!
I can't belive how fast time has gone by... but I think that happens to most of us, time goes by without we notice it :-) but that's a good think right ?

Anyways we wanna see creations over the theme LOVE !
upload them here using Inlinkz by tuesday July 13 th. 2010 at 11:59 pm.

As Always the prizes are :
1:prize: 3 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
2. Prize 2 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice
3: prize:1 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your own choice.

Make sure you visit out super talented Guest Designer Stinne, she has a lot of AMAZING work on her blog check it out !


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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Challange 17

Så gik der endnu en uge og NU er sommeren endelig over os. I Danmark er skoleferien startet og med det super gode vejr vi har haft de sidste par dage har det været svært at finde ro indendøre til at være kreativ. MEN tror jeg taler for alle danskere vi NYDER varmen og SOLEN !
Det glæder mig og design teamet at se at så mange alligevel har fundet tid til at deltage i vores udfordring. Og inden spændingen stiger yderligere her er vinderene :

1 præmie:Becky
2 præmie: Julie J
3 præmie: Sandra 1968

Tillykke til jer alle 3, vil I være søde og emaile mig jeres valg af digistamp(s) på

Og NU til denne uges udfordring, det er en oldie but goldie !! nemlig en farve udfordring.


Then another week went by, and NOW summer is finally here. In Denmark, schools are out for the summer and with the super nice weather we've had the past few days, it has been difficult to find peace indoors to be creative. BUT I think speak for all Danes when I say we enjoy the warmth and sun!
Myself and design team is pleased to see that so many still found time to participate in our challenge. And before the excitement reaches further highs here are the winners:

1prize: Becky
2 prize: Julie J
3 prize: Sandra 1968

Congratulations to you all three, you will be sweet and email me your choice of digistamp (s) til

And Now for this week's challenge, it is an Oldie but goldie! a color challenge.

This time we have gone a little summer-like and someone would even say boyish. Here are the colors


Make a card or another project with Karen's Doodles digistamp / rubber stamp in these three colors and upload it here via a direct link to inlinkz last Tuesday 6th d July at 11:59pm 2010th

As always, prizes:

1st prize: 3 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your choice
2nd prize: 2 digistamps from Karen's Doodles of your choice
3rd prize: 1 digistamp from Karen's Doodles of your choice

Now let's see what the fabulous Design team has been up to for the past week :





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